Have you heard of Roblox? Chances are you already know what it is and what it looks like. And chances are that if you have kids or teens in the home, you’ve spent money on Robux, the in-game currency that lets players unlock in-game clothes, skins, weapons, levels and more.

This online game is also all over the news and has caught the attention of the media, gaming community, fortune 500 companies and brands that are looking for ways to reach younger elusive audiences.
Today, Roblox has grown to over 50 million users globally with most of them being users in the age range of 7-16 years of age who are spending hours each day exploring the countless worlds and adventures that await inside the world of Roblox. But with so many other alternative forms of electronic entertainment like console gaming, Television programming, Netflix, and mobile games, why is GenZ going crazy for Roblox? And what opportunities does this provide to brands looking to connect with this audience?
Let’s explore.
1. Roblox is free.
Today, the average price of a console is more than $300 CAD and the price of a console video game is $79 CAD or more. These price points for new gen console gaming makes them unattractive to parents looking to save money or not spend an arm and a leg on electronic entertainment for their kids. Because Roblox is free kids and teens are able to easily download and play without any commitment or cost. There are however some parts of the game and features that can be unlocked by spending in-game virtual currency known as Robux, but the game itself can be enjoyed 100% free.

The opportunity here for brands is that like many free to play games on mobile, console, and tablet, Roblox offers brands with the opportunity to advertise across popular in-game worlds. The ads are strategically placed throughout playable environments in seamless ways that never interfere with the game play and user experience. Gaming audiences in Roblox can be targeted by game, game genre, country, language, platform, and even time of day.
2. Roblox is available across multiple platforms.
This availability to play Roblox across mobile, console and desktop makes Roblox even more attractive to gamers as you can play at home, on the go, or on the largest screen in the home. Because the game is also not heavy on graphics, it makes it the perfect game to play on that old smart phone that parents may have lying around for their 7 year old child.

The opportunity for brands her is that Roblox provides a diverse audience for advertisers to connect with across mobile, console and desktop. As mentioned above, advertisers can specify audiences by platform and time of day making advertising on Roblox very flexible for reach.
3. Diverse GenZ gaming audiences from all genders and backgrounds.
Roblox understands that and provides gamers with the opportunity to enjoy a variety of game modes, and gaming content. From horror theme games, action and adventure games, puzzle games and more. Roblox even provides gamers with a safe place to just simply hang out and get to know other players in the meta verse.

For advertisers this flexibility and diverse way of reaching gamers within one single platform makes Roblox the place to be when looking to connect with a wide diverse audience. It also enables brands to create Roblox worlds of their own and provide free to play environments and spaces that showcase products, and more. For the entertainment industry, it can even be a place where you launch your next movie title or host your next concert.

If you have not yet explored the advertising opportunities in Roblox or are interested in learning more about how you can bring your brand into the metaverse with Roblox get in touch with APEX Gaming Network and discover how you can leverage Roblox as the effective way to reach GenZ audiences.
Carlos Guevara is the Marketing Director at APEX Mobile Media and was the host of the podcast "In Search of Good Data." He has also helped various organizations in the private and non-profit sector to become more customer-centric with the use of enriched data and modern marketing and advertising strategies.